
The French Ambassador,
The French Embassy,
Kongens Nytorv 4,
1050 København K.

Dear Sir,

I am very much worried about obvious totalitarian tendencies in France. I fear that France is through the EU trying to export these tendencies to the rest of Europe.

In the name of the human rights France is grossly suppressing the same human rights such as free speech and the right to a nationality. I am referring to the bizarre witch hunts going on in France against those who express opinions which deviate from the ones authorized by the authoritarian and unpleasant French rulers. E.g. how can it be problem for France what French citizens think about German contemporary history? How can the holocaust, whether it happened or not, be a problem for France? Only the Germans were responsible for that. In Denmark nobody participated in the holocaust neither as victims nor as executioners. Therefore there was no holocaust in the Danish history, and in the French history it was only a detail in comparison to what the French did in Algeria or what the French did to the protestants during and after the Massacre of St. Bartholomew. The French have persecuted and killed more protestants than they have persecuted and killed Jews. And in Algeria the French killed many more civilians than the Germans did in France during WW2. Why are the French such hypocrites?

We have all a right to a nationality according to article 15 in the human rights declaration. By a national identity follows the identification with a national history. Frenchmen and Danes are not supposed to identify themselves with German or Jewish history and don't have to care a hang about whether or not the holocaust happened.

I have enclosed copies of two messages that I have published on the internet newsgroup soc.culture.french. They are both meant as deliberate provocations against the silly French undemocratic laws for the suppression of free speech. I would very much like if you were so kind as to supply me with the address of the office of the French Director of Public Prosecutions, Francois Cordier. I have dedicated my life to the fight for free speech, and France seems to be right place to go for that purpose.

Yours Faithfully,

Ole Kreiberg,
Christian Xs Alle 19
DK- 2800 Lyngby
